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Leonor's Letter June 22


Hello All,

I hope everyone is having a great week! We have details to share with you about upcoming events.

Cards for the Troops:

This Sunday we will have cards in the narthex for you to sign to send to our servicemen and women who are deployed for the 4th of July. Please feel free to sign one or two. We are sending from Grace UMC!

UM Army:

Abbi Coogle wants to go to do her part in UM Army! Can we help send her on her way? Any donation would be greatly appreciated! Please let us know if you can help!

Messy Church:

I will have my first attempt at Messy Church on Wednesday, July 13th from 5:00 – 6:00 pm! I would love some volunteers who have helped in the past to help me do this! If you are interested, please send me an e-mail at

Sunday School:

We will have Sunday School for the children beginning July 3rd from 11 – 12. You will take your children to church with you as you normally do. After Children’s Time, we will go to the Nursery Room for class. After church, you can pick up your children from there. We are looking forward to having a great journey in the stories of the Bible!

Food Pantry:

We are going to add an evening food Pantry Time. We want to serve our neighbors who work and can’t get here during the day. It will be on Tuesdays from 5:00-7:00 pm. If you would like to help serve our community, feel free to send me an e-mail. Parents, if you would like your older children to do a service project, we can start at 4:30 pm on Tuesdays by making food bags for the week. This is a good way for children to serve others.


We will have VBS on August 12 – 14th this year! You can go online to register your children! We also will need some volunteers to make this happen. Please feel free to sign up for Food Truck Party! We will need shirt sizes as soon as possible!

Thank you everyone for helping me make this transition into this new role! Blessings,

Leonor Hernandez

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