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Leveling up the District's Hurricane Readiness

Living on the Gulf Coast, we know Tropical Storms, Hurricanes, and even “training thunderstorms” are a way of life. It is only a matter of time before the next flooding event.

In the past, we made flood buckets to help homeowners. After Harvey, we see an opportunity to Level Up á our game! In July, the Texas Annual Conference and the Central South district are collecting essential tools that early responders can use to muck-gut-and-tarp homes damaged by tropical weather.

We have prepared a list of tools we need to equip teams. The tools can be new or “gently used.” We ask that you collect them at your church, box them, label the box, and take them to one of our regional drop-off sites* or our master collection site at Bellaire UMC by July 1st. The kits will be assembled at the TAC Depot, and complete kits will be stored at the depot and churches throughout the Conference and the Central South District.

Our District's goal is 24 kits. Together we can Level Up!

Friends, we are lucky to get more than 72 hours' notice before a storm strikes – too late to go shopping! Our kits will make a difference in how quickly we can respond and share the love of Christ with our neighbors in their time of need.

Please email if your church can serve as a drop-off site. Drop-off sites will be listed on the district website. (

Master Collection Site is

Bellaire UMC

4417 Bellaire Blvd. Bellaire TX 77401

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM – 3 PM, Friday 9 AM – noon or email for pickup:

Check this Flyer for a Full List of Tools

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