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Welcome Leonor!


Hello Everyone,

My name is Leonor Hernandez, and I am the new Director of Family Ministries. This is my first time writing for Grace Notes! This is so exciting for me to serve you! I would love to meet with everyone or at least chat with you about what ideas you have for family ministry and fun things to do!

First off, I would like to thank everyone for signing cards this past Sunday for our campers at Lakeview. We want them to know that we wish them well and we are praying for them!

Father’s Day is this Sunday! Happy Father’s Day to all the men who are in a father’s role! Blessings to all of you! You are so important to the children to have a good role model to look up to and strive to be like the amazing person that you are!

So, to all the dad’s, we will have Pancakes with Pops this Sunday for Father’s Day! Come and eat pancakes with your family to start your special day in the Fellowship Hall from 9:30 – 10:30 am! If anyone is interested in volunteering to make/serve the pancakes, feel free to contact me at or (346)998-2354.

As 4th of July approaches, I would like for you to help send “Thank You” cards to the troops! 100.3 radio station wants to send off 10,000 cards to the troops for the fourth! Let us give thanks to all the people who serve our country! We can easily send about 150-200 cards from Grace United Methodist Church! I will set up a table in Fellowship Hall Sunday, so before/after eating breakfast you can make a card so the troops can feel the love from our church! I will have a table set up after church next Sunday as well in the narthex.

We would like to start up Sunday School for the children of Grace. We will begin in July. It would be during the time of worship from 11 – 12. We are finalizing the details, but if you would like for your child to attend, please reach out to me at the above e-mail address to add your child to the roster. We have four children already interested. I would love to teach your children the stories of Jesus!

We will have a Garage Sale on the Yale parking lot on July 9th from 8:00 – 1:00. This sale will benefit the Grace Weekday School Playground Project and help send a student to the UM Army Camp! The school is raising funds to update the playground with better drainage and new equipment. Abby Coogle would like to go to the camp and needs our help in sending her! If you have any items you would like to donate to the cause, feel free to contact me to set a time for drop off before that date!

Finally, VBS will be August 12-14th this year! You can register your child at the website. We will need volunteers to help make this year a success! The theme is Food Trucks! So, let’s climb aboard and see where our hearts take us!


Leonor Hernandez

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