Family Ministries
Grace is a multi-generational community that celebrates the faith development of children, youth, and the adults who care for them.
Join us for fun and faith each week.
Sunday Mornings
Our Sunday Worship has a traditional feel to it with hymns, the chancel choir, scripture reading, and our sermon. There is a Children’s Time moment each week, followed by children's Sunday School during service. Children return to the church before service ends. There are blessing bags for those children who stay in service that have different activities.
Messy Church
Messy Church is a fun, family-friendly worship opportunity that is different from a traditional church service. At Messy Church, we have a welcome time for crafts and activities (and always a fun snack craft), and we close in worship. Messy Church encourages creativity and is very helpful for children who have the wiggles.
Our next Messy Church is May 15.
Vacation Bible School
July 26-July 28
Join us for our Camp Firelight VBS. We can’t wait to welcome children ages 3 and up!
Friday 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday 11:00am - 1:00pm
Cost $30
UMArmy Mission Trip
June 23-June 29
Cost: $300
Students who have completed 6th grade as of the end of the 2023-2024 school year and above are invited to go on a mission trip to fix hearts and homes! This year, we are going to Nacogdoches, Texas, and we will work with young people from other churches to fix houses. Some of the repairs may include: building wheelchair ramps, replacing siding, yard work, building or repairing porches and handrails, and many other things.
The other component of the mission trip is worship. Students will begin and end each day with a worship service and reflect on all that God is doing through them in the lives of the people of Crockett and of that camp. This is a great opportunity for youth and adults to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
You can register to go with us here: