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Burrus Elementary

Burrus Elementary School is a school in the Independence Heights community. Below, you can find our current ministry opportunity to support Burrus Elementary School's students and teachers.

Burrus Elementary School is a school in the Independence Heights community. During the year we partner with the teachers and counselors so support families in a variety of ways. These include seasonal collections, special events for teachers and engagement opportunities. Below, you can find our current ministry opportunity.

First Sunday Snack Offering

As part of Communion, on the first Sunday of each month we collect individually packaged snacks for Pre-K students at Burrus. You can bring items with you to worship, or drop them in the Sanctuary between Friday and Monday.

Example Items:

  • Goldfish

  • Cheese Crackers

  • Fruit Snacks

  • Popcorn

  • Veggie Chips

*items should be individually wrapped and not include nuts.

Power in Numbers




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